Saturday, January 17, 2015

A layout and a card

Here's a LOAD layout -- inspired by a challenge to use stamps!  Don't remember which numbers these are...

Photos from our new home town.  The paper on the left and right is a map of the US, it's fairly light so you may not be able to tell.  I have arrows on the left showing where we used to live and where we live now.  The stamps are the hand/arrow and the "We've Moved" top left.  My title "Home Sweet NEW Home" is in the font "Goodbye Crewel World".  Love fun fonts :-)

And here's a card I made up (cut files from Snapdragon Snippets/Silhouette store).  I'm going to be making these with the seniors where David and Scott work on the next crafty day.  It's called a teepee card, since it ties up to stand like a teepee.  You untie it and fold carefully to mail.

Thanks for stopping by!

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